Vintage Mission Oak Bookcase with beveled windows, shaped skirt & unique hardware.

Vintage Mission Oak Bookcase with beveled windows, shaped skirt & unique hardware. Chamfered board back, unsigned, original finish. Abundant quartered oak ray flake. Adjustable shelves. Measures: 38" wide x 14" deep x 54" high.

Product ID: #7738

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Unique quality reticulated original hardware. ( click image for vertical larger image )

Unique quality reticulated original hardware. ( click image for vertical larger image )

Six individual beveled glass panes in each door.

Six individual beveled glass panes in each door.

View of top.  We have not yet performed our light dusting, cleaning & waxing.  The darker areas will likely disappear then, will post updated images.

View of top. We have not yet performed our light dusting, cleaning & waxing. The darker areas will likely disappear then, will post updated images.

Shaped 'apron' or 'skirt'.

Shaped 'apron' or 'skirt'.

Original brass key with dolphin heads.

Original brass key with dolphin heads.